BackHug Account Suspension Policy

Learn about the 24-hour suspension policy and the circumstances that lead to a permanent account suspension.

Initial 24-Hour Suspension

Your account will be suspended for 24 hours if you make and cancel three bookings within a 24-hour period. This policy is in place to prevent users from booking and cancelling sessions in a way that disrupts the availability for other users who may wish to book sessions on a BackHug device.

Permanent Suspension

If you receive three 24-hour suspensions within the last 30 days, your account will be permanently suspended until further notice. This is to ensure a fair and accessible booking system for all users.

Appeal Process

If your account has been permanently suspended, you can appeal this decision by contacting us at Your suspension will remain in force until we have evaluated your appeal. We will decide at our sole discretion whether to restore your access to our services based on the details provided in your appeal.