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Is BackHug safe to use if...?
Questions about BackHug: how it feels and what makes it special.
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What's special about BackHug therapy?
How do I use BackHug? Getting started, top tips etc.
Getting started with BackHug
Top tips for using BackHug
Is BackHug safe to use if...?
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Help Center
Is BackHug safe to use if...?
Questions about BackHug: how it feels and what makes it special.
What's it like?
What's special about BackHug therapy?
How do I use BackHug? Getting started, top tips etc.
Getting started with BackHug
Top tips for using BackHug
Is BackHug safe to use if...?
BackHug App: Technical Support and Troubleshooting
Shared location
BackHug for Employers
BackHug for Clinics (and other shared locations)
Health, Safety and Legal
Is BackHug safe to use if...?
If you have any health concerns, we would strongly recommend you discuss them with your physician prior to using BackHug.
Age, height and weight limitations
Can I use BackHug if I bruise easily?
Can I use BackHug if I've injured my back in the past?
Can I use BackHug if I have Osteoporosis?
Can I use BackHug if my back is slightly curved?
Can BackHug help with hip Arthritis?
Can I use BackHug with Scoliosis (sideways spine curvature)?
Does BackHug treat your shoulders?
How does BackHug help with tight shoulders when the robotic fingers don’t touch the trapezius muscles at all?