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  2. BackHug for Clinics (and other shared locations)

Guide to Using your Partner Account

A comprehensive guide on managing your BackHug account

1. Log into your account 


If you haven't created your account, added admins or set up your location just yet, please follow this "How to" guide first. 


2.  Once you've logged in, navigate to your locations page by clicking on the "My locations" button on the left-hand side. 


3.  You’ll be taken to a page showing all your locations. Simply click on the location you'd like to manage. 


1. How to edit your Location Information:


- Navigate to the "Actions" button in the right-hand corner. Click on the "Edit" button to make changes to your location. 


- From here, you'll be able to make changes to your location. 


- Once you've made all your changes, simply click on the "Submit" button. 


2. How to add Members to your Location: 


- Add members to your location using the QR code highlighted in the right-hand corner. 


- You'll be given the option to add either an App-paying member or a Free-to-use member. 


- Once you've selected the type of member you'd like to add, a QR code will pop up. Please follow the instructions as explained on the prompt. 


3. How to add Location Admins:


- Navigate to the middle of the page, and click on the "Add people" button. 


- Enter the new admin's email and click the "Invite Member" button. They will receive an email shortly with instructions to create their account.


4. How to use and manage your Calendar: 


- Navigate to the left-hand side and click on the "Calendar" button. 


- There are three different ways to view your calendar. Navigate to the top of the page to view your calendar by "Month", "Week" or "Day". 


- Click on the square of the desired day, then select "more bookings" to view all bookings for that specific day.


- Should you need to make a booking for someone, you can do so using the calendar. Navigate to the left and click on the "Book a Session" button.  


Simply type in the customer's email address and they'll receive an email notification with all the booking details. 


- You can change the opening hours of a specific day using the calendar. Navigate to the left and click on the "Change opening hours" button. 


Enter a reason for the change in the designated field. If the change affects any customer bookings, you can choose to either reschedule or cancel their booking. They will be notified via email. Once everything is set, click the "Submit" button to finalise the update.


If you'd like to know more about setting default opening hours, please refer to this  "How to" guide first. 


5. How to view your bookings, user information and booking history: 


- To view a list of your bookings, navigate to the left-hand side and click on the "Bookings" button.


- To view a specific list of bookings, make use of the filters as highlighted below. 


Here's an example of only viewing a list of completed bookings. 


- Should you want to view a specific user's booking history, simply click on their name. 


- Now you'll be able to view that user's information, book a session for them, add minutes to their account and view a list of their booking history. 


- To view the details of a specific booking click on the relevant Booking ID directly from the current page. 


- By clicking on the booking ID, you'll be taken to a detailed overview of that specific session. 


- Should you need any help interpreting the data, navigate to the bottom of the page and view the highlighted articles. 


- Alternatively, navigate to the "Individual session" button where you'll be able to view the basic information for each session.


- From this page you can also book a session and add minutes for that specific person. 


6. How to view and manage your devices: 


- Navigate to the left-hand side, and click on the "My devices" button. 


- You may have several devices in your location. To view a specific few, you can make use of the filters as highlighted below. 


Here's an example of only viewing a list of active devices. 


- If your location has multiple devices, consider giving each one a specific name to help customers easily identify and book the exact device they want. You can do that by navigating to the right-hand side and clicking on the pen icon. 


- Once you've named your device, simply click the "Submit" button. 


7. How to set up a promotion: 


- Navigate to the left-hand side, and click on the "Promotions" button: 


- We recommend offering the first session for free to encourage new users. This promotion is enabled by default, but you can easily disable it by clicking the toggle switch shown below.


8. How to view and manage your users: 


- To view your users, navigate to the left-hand side and click on the "Users" button. 


- To locate a specific user or filter users by specific criteria, simply use the filter option highlighted below.


Here's an example of only viewing a list of App-paying members. 


- You can also add users from here by using the QR code or simply typing in their email and sending them an invite. 


- When you navigate to the right-hand side, and click on the plus icon, you can create a booking, add minutes, change the membership and remove the user. 


If you get stuck, navigate to our chat bot, Fin, in the left-hand corner.


If Fin can't help, we'll get back to you as soon as possible!